
Your partner in Northern Europe for innovative laboratory instruments

Characterization methods for pharmaceutical materials

Resource Type: 
Overview article
Web Page
Date of creation: 
10 January 2024
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Norlab offers a whole range of testing instruments for pharmaceutical materials. 

Here pharmaceutical products are regarded as materials with manufacturing processes within the context of the testing devices distributed by Norlab, rather than medical compounds with therapeutical characteristics. Pharmaceutical technologies produce pharmaceutical agents in their final delivery form, which means that the task is to characterize a powder, a dispersion or a tablet. Norlab offer testing instruments for dispersions (stability analysis), for powders (BET surface area) and for tablets (pore structure, dissolution, disintegration).


BET surface area and pore analysisGas adsorption3P micro series
3P meso series
3P sync series
3P surface DX
DensityGas pycnometry3P densi 100
Dispersion stabilityAnalysis of the transmission and backscattering behaviourMultiScan MS 20 dispersion stability analysis system
Dissolution performanceUSP apparatus 1, 2, 5 and 6, plus intrinsic and small volume dissolutionWater bath dissolution systems
Bathless dissolution systems
In-situ fiber optic UV systems
Particle dispersibility studiesNon-invasive NMR liquid relaxation technologyMagnoMeter XRS
Particle shapeImage analysisBeVision D2
Bettersizer S3 Plus
Particle size, concentrated dispersionsAcoustic spectrometryDT-1202
Particle size, nanometer rangeDynamic light scatteringBeNano series
Particle size, powdersLaser diffraction

Bettersizer S3 Plus
Bettersizer S3
Bettersizer 2600
Bettersizer ST

Pore volume and size distributionMercury intrusion porosimetryContract analysis
Please ask for a quote 
Purity check of liquidsDynamic contact angle measurementDynamic contact angle measuring devices and tensiometers
Purity check of liquidsInterfacial rheologySpinning drop video tensiometers
Purity check of liquidsOptical contact angle measurementOptical contact angle systems
Solids concentration of suspensionsNon-invasive NMR liquid relaxation technologyMagnoMeter XRS
Water uptake and releaseDynamic vapor sorption (DVS)3P graviSorb series
Wettability of solid surfacesDynamic contact angle measurementDynamic contact angle measuring devices and tensiometers
Wetted surface area of suspensionsNon-invasive NMR liquid relaxation technologyMagnoMeter XRS
Zeta potential, concentrated dispersionsElectroacoustic spectrometryDT-1202